AUTHENTIC the platform for the digital banking of the future
AUTHENTIC basically ensures comprehensive functional coverage of all payment requirements (debit card, credit card, instant payment, mobile payment, routing and switching transactions, processing of issuing and acquiring transactions) and more.
Through AUTHENTIC as a transaction hub, a paradigm shift in IT architecture takes place at a central point of IT supply of an established payment business organisation.
AUTHENTIC focuses specifically on message transformation, routing, authorisation of business transactions and switching in the payment business. AUTHENTIC bietet daher die Plattform für eine Transaktionsdrehscheibe und damit das Herzstück eines jeden Realtime-Zahlungssystems mit Transaktionsverarbeitung. AUTHENTIC bietet flexible und erweiterbare Komponenten, die die Integration bestehender und neuer Systeme sowie das schrittweise Einbinden zusätzlicher Funktionen ermöglichen.
- PLATFORM: AUTHENTIC processes and converts every transaction, regardless of its origin.
- CUSTOMER-CENTRICITY: AUTHENTIC captures all transaction data of your customers in a single logical database, overcoming the traditional and still prevailing silo structure in the payment business and beyond.
- TIME-TO-MARKET: AUTHENTIC provides real-time, up-to-date client information for each business report at any time. This ensures a fast and customer-focused introduction of new products and services.
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